
  • 公司介紹ABOUT US

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    天水萬(wàn)聯(lián)電氣傳動(dòng)裝置有限公司(原天水萬(wàn)聯(lián)制藥設備廠(chǎng))是集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售中藥制丸、制粒成套設備為一體的科技型民營(yíng)企業(yè)。公司成立于2001年,是天水市科技型民營(yíng)企業(yè),天水市政府命名的“重合同 、守信用”企業(yè),世界杰出華商協(xié)會(huì )理事單位,中國“采購與招標網(wǎng)”、“中國制藥網(wǎng)”高級會(huì )員單位,公司具有制丸、制粒兩大系列成套設備生產(chǎn)、研發(fā)能力,可根據用戶(hù)不同需求實(shí)行個(gè)性化定制,特別是在中藥制丸領(lǐng)域擁有多項國家,從混合到成品與烘干設備,40多種型號設備行銷(xiāo)國內外。獲得中國企業(yè)戰略聯(lián)盟“制藥設備行業(yè)質(zhì)量**品牌”和“重點(diǎn)推廣品牌”,在業(yè)內影響廣泛。  

    萬(wàn)聯(lián)藥機以市場(chǎng)為導向,以創(chuàng )新求生存,不斷努力打造更加質(zhì)優(yōu)價(jià)廉的藥機產(chǎn)品,滿(mǎn)足廣大客戶(hù)的需求。我們的宗旨是:沒(méi)有較好只有更好,市場(chǎng)先進(jìn),客戶(hù)至上。    

    Tianshui Wanlian pharmaceutical equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech private enterprise which contains R & D, production and sales of complete sets of quipment for producing Chinese medicine pill. The company founded in 2001. It is also known as the high-tech private enterprise. Tianshui municipal government named the "contract-conducted and high-Reputation enterprise”.

    Our company is a director unit of “world outstanding Chinese businessman association” as well as vip members in “purchasing and bidding website”and “China pharmacy network”. The company has abilities for producing, researching and developing (pill and pellet) two series of complete sets of equipment. Our implements are personalized and customized according to varies requirements.  We also have numbers of national patents in the field of traditional Chinese medicine pills machines. The product ranges are wide that from medicine powder-mixed machine to pills-drying equipment. Over 40 types of equipment are sold all over the world.

    The WANLIAN brand is awarded “Recognized brand and high quality in pharmaceutical equipment industry” by enterprise strategic alliance.Wanlian medicine machine is marketing- oriented and we focus on innovation to create higher quality and lower price of the pharmaceutical equipment.

    Our mission is: to satisfy different needs of our customers.

    Our aim is: to be better.



甘公網(wǎng)安備 62050202000472號